Letters, emails, SMSs (text messages)

When your company sends out a letter, email or message,  it’s to get something done. Customers need to see what you want quickly and to understand the message on first reading. Otherwise, your communication is unlikely to be read, and even less likely to be acted on.

We approach letters, emails and other messages strategically. Correspondence needs to reflect:

  • policies
  • compliance requirements
  • business processes 
  • brand values.

The Simplified process

Our process involves:

  • user testing and gathering data about customer behaviour
  • analysing complaints and queries about correspondence
  • using the insights we gather to plan an overall approach
  • creating content and design modules so that our work can have an impact across the organisation
  • building templates and training stakeholders how to use them

Some examples of our projects

  • Large scale rewrites of servicing letters for established insurance and banking clients
  • All customer correspondence, including letters, emails and SMSs for a start-up short-term insurer
  • Templates, guidelines and example letters for high-level ombud responses
  • Letter template and guidelines to help lawyers in a large law firm communicate better with their clients
  • Training quality assurance and Treating Customers Fairly principles for contact centres
Woman reading a letter. First panel of cartoon - speech bubble with flowers around it reads 'Dear valued customer'. Second panel - speech bubble is made up of symbols representing swear words. Woman is shocked. Third panel - speech bubble again surrounded by flowers and reads - Thank you valued customer.
Tone of voice in business writing