Diagram showing the process of writing in plain language: Plan, Structure, Write, Tone, DesignSimplified

Over 9,000 professionals have learnt how to write clear content through our business writing training

Clear communication is not something you implement once and then forget about. It needs constant attention. We offer specialised programmes in business writing training for Treating Customers Fairly.

We offer induction programmes, ongoing learning programmes, accelerated learning programmes, seminars and our standard 12-hour course. Courses are usually customised to your needs.

Our business writing training has modules

Diagram showing the process of writing in plain language: Plan, Structure, Write, Tone, Design

For each module, there are a set of outcomes that we customise to delegate needs.  After we’ve gone through the basic modules, we work with attendees to apply their new writing techniques to reports, proposals, policies, website content and emails. We build customised examples for your delegates to apply their skills to Treating Customers Fairly principles.

Our training is global

Our trainers are sensitive to cultural differences. Delegates in the UK, Portugal,  South Africa, Australia, the US, Nigeria and Kenya have found our course relevant to their needs.

Training courses are customised to your needs

Our standard in-house training courses cater for up to 12 delegates and take 12 hours – we generally spit this into three or four sessions. We offer a licence agreement to large organisations who want to train our programme using their own trainers.

Courses to add on to your business writing course:

We also offer:

Advanced modules, such as writing training for Treating Customers Fairly

We offer a range of more advanced add-on modules. Financial regulations such as Treating Customers Fairly are give us specific principles to train in business writing – for example, we must always balance reader wants and needs, rights and obligations.

Read a case study of how a large insurance client used our training services as part of a broader transformation programme, or find out more about why training is an important success factor to communications change programmes.