How to be an advocate for clear communication

To be sustainable, a plain-language programme must be aligned with a strategic company aim. The legal team needs to be part of a company-wide training programme with courses that are customised to their needs.

Read our white paper on how to advocate for plain language to find out more about each of these actions:

  • Continue to work within company strategy and to train plain language
  • Remove the split between legal and usable content
  • Think about a framework to support informed decision-making
  • Create multidisciplinary teams
  • Adopt a research-driven approach to terminology
  • End the copying of complicated wording from regulators
  • Pay attention to ‘express consent’ in online agreements, especially when privacy related


How to tell if content is clear: plain-language assessment

Most of us know that clear communication (or plain language) is needed. But there is less agreement on what makes language clear. What does clear communication look like? How do you know if your content complies with the many laws and regulations that require clarity? How do you set up a plain-language assessment that works?

Key points of this overview:

To comply with laws and regulations that mandate plain language, you need to find a way of assessing whether content is clear. Readability formulas aren’t fit for purpose. We suggest that you use reader-focused testing instead, and measure results against an established standard for plain language. Pay attention to the ‘why’ of plain language. Ty to set up creative ways to measure the  clarity of communication in terms of strategic goals such as fairness and transparency.

Read more in our white paper on plain-language assessments.